Thursday, February 12, 2015

PHabulous Skin part 1

You may remember learning about the PH scale from chemistry class, but what does this have to do with skin? Well, it just so happens that maintaining the balance, or the Potential Hydrogen level of your skin, is key to maintaining healthy skin.

First, a quick reminder of how that PH scale works. The scale ranges from 0-14 with 0 being the most acidic and 14 the most alkaline with 7 as neutral. Skin is slightly more acidic ranging from 4.5-6.2 with an average of 5.5.

So why is this so important when it comes to skin care? When the skin becomes to alkaline it will become dry and irritated. This will eventually lead to early signs of aging including fine lines, wrinkles and sagging. On the other hand, when the skin becomes to acidic, it may become aggravated and inflamed.

Now that we know how important maintaining the skins PH level is, how do we go about it?
The balance comes through healthy eating and the right products for you. The first step in skin care starts with your cleanser, which hopefully you are using! Soaps are much too alkaline for facial skin and it can strip the skin of its natural oils. Cleansers are formulated closer to the skins natural PH, only slightly more alkaline to dissolve dirt and oil.

Your second step in your skin care routine should include your toner/mist. A toner will pull any left over dirt and oils from the pores after cleansing. Most toners also aid in restoring the natural PH balance to the skin.

As Esthetician's we are here to guide you in maintaining the proper balance to achieve your best skin!

Jamie- Licensed Esthetician

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